Monthly Archives: March 2020

Life shit

My Reflections: Day 5 of COVID-19 Quarantine

March 19, 2020

My Reflections: Day 5 of COVID-19 Quarantine

Ugh, it’s been over a month since I posted and that time passed really fast. Between other writing, I’ve been doing, work, business travel and the sudden death of my uncle, blogging has honestly been the last thing on my to-do list. But, with this COVID-19 social distancing, I am actually thankful I have more time to do the things I love to do and to slow the eff down. Having said that, it couldn’t have come at a worse time. As I mentioned, I lost my uncle a couple of weeks ago.  I lovingly called him Unkie (my nickname for him since I was a wee little one). We were very close and I have never lost someone so close to me, so suddenly. This loss brought a heartbreak like I have never felt. As I learn to grapple with and live through my grief, all while socially distancing myself during one of the most uncertain times this modern world has faced, I am forced to let my emotions bubble up and come forth. This is teaching me something new every day, and also taking me deeper spiritually.  read more