Life shit

My Reflections: Day 5 of COVID-19 Quarantine

March 19, 2020

My Reflections: Day 5 of COVID-19 Quarantine

Ugh, it’s been over a month since I posted and that time passed really fast. Between other writing, I’ve been doing, work, business travel and the sudden death of my uncle, blogging has honestly been the last thing on my to-do list. But, with this COVID-19 social distancing, I am actually thankful I have more time to do the things I love to do and to slow the eff down. Having said that, it couldn’t have come at a worse time. As I mentioned, I lost my uncle a couple of weeks ago.  I lovingly called him Unkie (my nickname for him since I was a wee little one). We were very close and I have never lost someone so close to me, so suddenly. This loss brought a heartbreak like I have never felt. As I learn to grapple with and live through my grief, all while socially distancing myself during one of the most uncertain times this modern world has faced, I am forced to let my emotions bubble up and come forth. This is teaching me something new every day, and also taking me deeper spiritually. 

Tough times demand that we bring forth all of the lessons learned, spiritual wisdom and tools picked up along this life journey, to be used in the now. It is important to not look outside of ourselves but to go within, no matter what you are facing. Go in. 

Here are a few tips that are helping me cope, and that I believe will eventually help me thrive. I hope they help you too along this uncertain journey called life:

  • I tap into digital communities that center around my interests. Remember, you are not alone. 
  • Let myself feel any negative emotions, but let them pass. It’s not healthy to suppress your feelings, they are natural. But don’t hold on to them. 
  • Surrender is my word of the year, and I probably tell myself this a gazillion times a day.
  • I am already a remote worker, so things haven’t changed much for me. However, I listen to myself and create a schedule that works best with where I am that day. I see article after article about example WFH schedules, and these are great for inspiration. But, don’t feel like you have to follow that schedule to be successful or to have a productive day. You already know what you need. Listen to it.
  • I have a dog, so I get outside every day for some fresh air.
  • I block off time in my calendar for things I want to get done in the day.
  • I meditate twice a day.
  • I pray and read the Bible as much as I need it. 
  • No coffee and I limit caffeine intake from teas.
  • Smoke some Strawberry Banana Kush on the weekend and mellow the eff out

So, tell me! What is working for you? Let me know in the comments! 


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