Category Archives: Life shit

Life shit

My Morning Routine and Rituals

October 19, 2018

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I find that everyone has that ‘thing’ they do in the mornings to set them up for success. There are so many articles and videos on the morning rituals of successful people. I mean, countless! Although reading and viewing this material is a great way to get inspired, you do not need to follow every step of [name successful rich person here] to reap the benefits of having a successful day. It’s all about what will work for YOU, and ultimately bring YOU joy. Your morning ritual should not be a chore, it should be something you look forward to. Again, this will look different for everyone. And given your schedule or circumstance, maybe it is just one thing you add to your morning, and that may include taking five deep breaths and saying a prayer. And that’s great. There is no wrong or right way.

Personally, I don’t open any apps on my phone or look at social media for the first 30 minutes to an hour upon waking up, and I make sure I’m up before my husband to have my quiet time. This allows me to have full control of my morning, tune-in to how I’m feeling, maintain good vibrations (or create a path to good vibrations), and decide on what I really need to focus. Here is a list of my morning rituals to help me maintain my sanity and have a happy and productive day no matter what. I usually do 1-3 things from this list depending on how late I sleep in, LOL, or what I truly feel I need. I hope it inspires you! read more

Life shit - Me

How to Get Inspired As A Woman Over 30

June 6, 2018

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If you are like me, you may be fighting the powers that zap your energy: simple curiosity, willingness to take on new projects and such, and just trying new things. The beauty of being a woman over 30 is that everything seems a bit clearer, you (should) have your priorities straight and you feel more at peace. You are truly enjoying life and living it the way YOU want to live it. But, where is the wonder? Where is the creative magic?

I have found over the last couple of years that it is so easy to get caught up in the routine of life – like keeping up with all of my obligations, making sure I have carved out time to workout and meditate, and getting out the door to get shit done in a timely fashion; not to mention time with my loved ones. After that, I really don’t want to do anything else. I keep a running list of all of the ideas that turn on the light bulb in my head – usually in the shower or right before bed. But to be honest, most of these ideas have yet to come to fruition; partly because I am an Aries and we rarely finish what we start unless we are 150% into it, and partly because I don’t FEEL like putting the energy into it. But, are these good excuses? No. read more