Beauty inside and out - Me

What I Do To Keep My Health In Tip Top Shape

February 13, 2019

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When we talk about the things we can control in life, mastering oneself is THE only thing you can control.  And that includes your personal health and wellness, which I am super passionate about. Although the approach is different for everyone, I thought I’d share what I do to keep my health in tip-top shape in a way that’s best for me. Hopefully, it can help you along your health and wellness journey.


I am big on meal prep. It is the only way to ensure you are eating the way you want to eat.  For almost 10 years, I was a pescetarian, but I no longer eat that way. I do eat low carb (little to no white carbs) lean protein with lots of veggies and healthy fats.  So, basically, my plate is ¼ protein, ¼ healthy carbs and fats, and half vegetables. And my body loves it. I plan out dinner and lunch for the week. I cook my lunch for the week on Sunday, and I cook dinner on Monday and Wednesday.  On the weekends we eat out, aside from breakfast, and this is the time I cheat a bit here and there. I may throw in some pasta (the REAL pasta), doughnuts, etc. You gotta keep it balanced to stay on track. I believe eating healthy is an act of self-care, so you should also enjoy yourself.

PC: Joanie Simon


My exercise routine is pretty simple.  I do a mix of yoga/pilates, strength training, walking, and hiking.  I also, HIIT here and there. I select my workout based on how I’m feeling and my energy level. I always listen to my body and figure out what it needs that day.  For instance, a couple of days before my period, I’m usually doing yoga or walking. And my workouts usually consist of 30-40 minutes five to six days a week. I workout mostly at home or in the gym in my building using fitness apps, Pinterest or YouTube videos.  Occasionally, I’ll go to a class. I find that being able to work out on my own, according to what I want to do, works best for me to stay consistent, and I’ve seen great results in doing so.


Other things I try to do monthly or every couple of months is visiting my chiropractor and getting massages. I get lower back pain so I like to get a tune-up at the chiropractor every couple of months, and it helps so much. I enjoy massages for the relaxation and release that they provide.  Plus, you gift yourself an hour of no talking, no work, no social media. It’s just time for yourself. I also want to add meditation in here. I feel like everyone beats this subject to death, but the benefits are real. And although I almost never get a chance to do it daily, I do it as much as I can, and I notice a big difference in my wellbeing when I do.

So that’s all folks! What keeps you running like a well-oiled machine?  Share it with me in the comments!


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